51 Programming Tips to Help You Be a Better Programmer

51 Programming Tips to Help You Be a Better Programmer


11 min read

1. Focus on improving your Googling skills.

Being a programmer entails learning how to search for answers to questions. You'll save a lot of development time if you learn how to effectively Google things.

2. Under promise and over deliver

It is preferable to inform your team that a task will take three weeks and then complete it in two than the other way around. You will gain trust by underpromising and overdelivering.

3. Be courteous to your designers; they are your friends.

Designers offer solutions to user problems. Learn from them and collaborate to create effective products.

4. Look for a mentor.

Find someone from whom you can learn and bounce ideas. If you need a technical mentor, Coding Coach is a great place to start!

5. Make useful comments.

Write comments that explain the "why" rather than the "what."

6. Variables and functions should be named appropriately.

MyCoolFunction will not fly because functions and variables should accurately denote their purpose.

7. Take some time off.

We all need time to unwind. Take that trip you've been meaning to take. Your brain and your coworkers will ap preciate it.

8. Remove any unused code

There's no reason to rack up more technical debt.

9. Learn to read code

Reading code is an undervalued skill, but an invaluable one.

10. Establish a healthy work/life balance

You need time to de-compress after a long workday. Shut off work notifications, remove apps off your phone.

11. Only necessary meetings should be scheduled.

Is it possible to solve it in an email or a Slack message? If this is the case, avoid attending a meeting. If not, be mindful of the time. Strive for less.

12. Pairings programme

Pair programming allows you to act as both a teacher and a student.

13. Create fantastic emails

Learn how to capture your audience's attention in emails by being succinct but clear. Jerry, no one wants to read your four-page email.

14. Participate in community activities.

Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals will motivate you to persevere through the lows.

15. Clear your branches.

Clean up your version control branches in the same way that you would clean your house before your in-laws came to visit. If you don't need it, get rid of it; don't just put it in the closet.

16. Don't be a gatekeeper.

Be open to new ideas. Don't tell others they aren't qualified to work in the industry. Everyone has worth.

17. Continue to learn

You've chosen a career that necessitates ongoing education. Learn to appreciate it.

18. Please do not give up.

It will not always be simple. But we all started from the same point. You've got this.

19. Take on tasks that frighten you.

If it doesn't frighten you, it won't help you grow.

20. Before you begin, make sure that your requirements are clear.

Before you begin writing code, you should first understand the acceptance criteria. It will save you time and pain in the long run.

21. Have a toolbox handy.

Have a set of tools that you are well-versed in. Understand which tools serve what purpose and when using one over another can benefit a project.

32. Learn to appreciate constructive criticism.

Request constructive feedback from trusted colleagues and friends. It will help you develop both as a programmer and as a person.

33. Maintain an open mind.

Technology evolves at a rapid pace. Don't be against new technology; instead, learn about it and then form an opinion.

34. Maintain your relevance

Follow publications, blogs, podcasts, and tech news to stay up to date on the latest tech news.

35. Concentrate on problem solving.

Any problem can be solved with strong problem-solving skills. Improve your understanding of what it takes to solve a problem.

36. Maintain your modesty.

Stay humble no matter what title you have or what company you work for.

37. Learn how to give an effective presentation.

Learn how to hold your audience's attention and deliver effective presentations.

38. Before jumping in, consider all possible solutions.

Don't just go with the first solution that comes to mind. Before delving into the code, check all possible paths.

39. Find your specialty.

Within the technology industry, there are numerous divisions. Find a topic that interests you and become an expert in it.

40. Form good habits

Build consistent and healthy habits such as eliminating distractions, time-boxing tasks, being present in meetings, and beginning with the most important task first. It may take some getting used to, but it will be well worth it in the end.

41. Learn how to debug

Investigate the browser debugger tools. Discover the intricacies of debugging with your IDE. You'll be able to solve even the most difficult bugs if you learn the most effective methods for debugging and tracing errors.

42. Use your current abilities.

Just because you already have a skill doesn't mean you shouldn't practise it. Skills fade over time unless they are consciously improved upon, and because this industry evolves so quickly, it is critical to continue practising. Get out of the "I've always done it this way" mindset and into the "Is there a better way to do this?" mindset.

43. Figure out why.

There will be times when you must express your opinion, so it is critical that you understand why. Why is solution A superior to solution B? Your opinions will be much more sound if you present a valid argument.

44. Recognize your worth.

You are a commodity, and you should be compensated accordingly. Keep an eye on the industry averages in your area. If you're making less money, it's time to talk to your boss. Go after what you're entitled to.

45. Don't be afraid to seek assistance.

If you're stuck on a problem and wasting too much time looking for a solution, it's time to seek assistance. We're all just people. We are all in need of assistance. There is no shame in seeking assistance from a coworker.

46. Be considerate.

There will be occasions when you will be asked to provide feedback on a coworker. Be considerate. You can express your displeasure with Deborah's lack of initiative without tearing her to shreds.

47. Take frequent breaks.

It's nearly impossible to code for 8 hours straight. You'll quickly burn out and make a lot of mistakes. Set a timer to remind yourself to stop and rest. Take a walk. Get a coffee with a coworker. Taking a break from your computer will boost your productivity and the quality of your work.

48. Keep track of your progress.

Learning to code takes time and can be discouraging when you don't see results. As a result, it's critical to keep track of your accomplishments and progress toward your goals. Keep a small list next to your computer and write down everything you accomplish, no matter how small. Atomic accomplishments add up to much larger rewards.

49. You should not rely on a framework or library.

Learn the intricacies of a language rather than the intricacies of a framework or library. You don't have to learn one before the other, but knowing why a framework or library works the way it does will help you write cleaner, more performant code.

50. Learn to appreciate code reviews.

Having someone read and analyse your code can be terrifying, but it can also provide you with invaluable feedback that will help you become a better programmer. You should also improve your ability to conduct a thorough code review.

51. Find out more about tangential spaces.

Learn the fundamentals of tangential fields such as design, marketing, frontend development, and backend development. It will make you a more well-rounded programmer.

52. Choose the correct technology rather than the most comfortable.

Each project will have unique requirements, so we must select the appropriate tools for the job. Although it is tempting to use technologies with which you have previously worked, if they do not meet the needs of the project, alternatives should be considered.

53. Accept responsibility for your errors.

Everyone makes mistakes, and you will make a lot of them throughout your career. As a result, when you make a mistake, it's critical to own up to it and accept responsibility. It will increase trust among your team members and management.

54. Examine your own code.

Examine your own code before submitting a pull request. What comments would you make if this were a colleague's work? Before requesting a code review, it is critical to first attempt to diagnose any problems or errors.

55. Learn from your mistakes.

Failure is simply not achieving the desired result, and it is not always a bad thing. Throughout our careers, we all experience numerous failures. Learn from your mistakes. What would you do differently the next time?

56. Recognize your shortcomings.

Learn about yourself. What are your weak points? Perhaps you're always forgetting to update the tests before pushing. Or perhaps you are notoriously bad at responding to emails. Recognize your flaws so that you can actively work to improve them.

57. Keep an open mind.

Curiosity will be essential in this industry, which is constantly changing. Speak up if you don't understand something, whether it's a project requirement or a line of code. Nobody will judge you for seeking clarification, and as a result, you will write better code.

58. Don't try to know everything.

There is an infinite pool of knowledge in the world, and conquering it all is simply impossible. Choose a few topics to master and leave the rest alone. You can gain working or tangential knowledge in other areas, but you will never be able to master everything.

59. Take pride in your work.

Your work is valuable regardless of how much experience you have or what your job title is. Give it the attention it deserves.

60. Turn off all distractions.

Turning off Slack notifications, text messages, emails, and social media will allow you to focus and make the most of your workday.

61. Be encouraging.

Support your team members by attending an important presentation or assisting them if they become stuck.

62. Prepare your strategy.

When you receive a new feature request or a bug ticket, plan your attack first. What are you going to need to solve this problem or create this feature? Even a few minutes spent planning your attack can save you hours of frustration.

63. Learn how to pseudocode.

Pseudo coding is an excellent skill to have because it allows you to think through complex problems without having to waste time writing lines of code. Create a strategy on paper, then run it through various test cases to identify potential pitfalls.

64. Commit early and often

Committing early and frequently is the best way to ensure that your work remains clean while also reducing the stress of inadvertently reverting important changes.

65. Speak up in meetings.

Because your ideas and opinions are valuable, participating in meetings will assist you in developing a rapport with your team as well as management.

66. Tasks should be prioritized.

Learning to prioritize your tasks will help you become more productive. Maintain an active to-do list of immediate daily tasks as well as longer-term tasks, and prioritize them.

67. Learn how to delegate.

Learn how to delegate effectively if you are in a position of leadership. It will save you time and annoyance. You can't do everything.

68. Apply for jobs for which you are not qualified.

You will never be able to meet every job requirement. So go ahead and apply! What have you got to lose?

69. Remember your beginnings.

We all began in the same place. Don't forget where you came from as your skills and job titles evolve.

70. Try to keep your spirits up.

If something goes wrong, try to remain positive. Tomorrow will be a new day. Optimism will benefit your team dynamic as well as your mental health.

71. Keep your promises.

If you say you'll deliver something by a certain date, keep your word. And, if you are unable to meet the deadline, speak up as soon as possible.

72. Take the initiative.

Find a task to help your team if you have some extra time! They'll appreciate your foresight.

73. Create an outstanding portfolio.

A strong portfolio distinguishes you from the competition. Use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your programming and design abilities!

74. Keep in mind why you enjoy programming.

You chose this profession because it piqued your interest. Take a break if you're becoming frustrated and resentful. Allow yourself time to rediscover your passion for programming.

75. Share your expertise.

If you discover something interesting, please share it with others! Present at a local meetup or conference. During lunch, teach your coworker or mentee. Sharing your knowledge strengthens your knowledge while also spreading the wealth.

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